Tagum Cooperative known to take by heart the 7th Cooperative Principle “Concern for Community” hands over One Million Pesos as donation to the Local Government of Tagum through Mayor Allan L. Rellon on September 27, 2021.
The said donation is intended to finance the vaccination program in the community, which will require a whole-of-government approach, involving coordination and partnership between and among the National and Local Agencies and other Key Stakeholders such as Cooperatives to help roll-out inoculation of the COVID-19 vaccine.

An energetic City Mayor welcomes the Tagum Cooperative representatives led by Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Dir. Janet T. Matuguinas,CPA, DBA; Members of the BOD Directors Antonio C. Arañas,MPA and Rosamaria S. Torrejano, CPA, MPA; together with Chief Executive Officer Juris D. Perez,CPA, MBA. Also present are Mr. Giovanni Ryan Rellon- City Administrator, Operations Head of Task Force Covid19 (IATF) Tagum; and Dr. Daina Fajardo from the City Health Office.

Dir. Antonio C. Aranas,MPA states that the event is historic as it is the first time that Tagum Cooperative is able to reciprocate the kindness, the goodness, and the opportunity that is offered by the City (of Tagum). “Today, it can’t be denied that Tagum Cooperative is one of the most progressive Cooperatives not only in the Philippines but in the entire Asia. So we are here to share this blessing to our City Government. Hopefully, this donation can go a long way in helping us fight this COVID-19 Pandemic,” Dir. Aranas says.
Tagum Cooperative also embraces the 3rd Sustainable Development Goal set by the United Nations which mandates the promotion and preservation of good health and well-being of people in the community. Through this donation, TC intends to help pay for the expenses on Medical and Laboratory Fees, Drugs and Medicines, Meals and Snacks, I.T. Equipment and other supplies for the vaccination program of the City Government of Tagum.

“On behalf of the entire officialdom and people of Tagum I would like to convey our heartfelt thanks to Tagum Cooperative with its BOD, and the workforce for this assistance. This really will help us inspire our front liners to continue to give their selfless and untiring efforts. We have to really fight and provide the very best medical and services to our people, Again Daghang Salamat Kaayo, and Tagum, Tagumpay.” Mayor Rellon states earnestly.
The good-natured relationship between Tagum Cooperative and the City Government of Tagum can be evident in the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020 as Tagum Cooperative immediately donates PPEs to the front liners and recently, through TC’s partnership with the City Health Office, the vaccination program for TC employees and their dependents held at Tagum Coop’s very own gymnasium.