Amidst the prestigious ambiance of the Tagum Cooperative Function Hall, a momentous occasion unfolded on July 22, 2023 — the Training of Trainers (TOT) for TC Lecturers and Officers. Embracing the theme “Be a Younique Leader,” this empowering gathering sought to refine leadership skills and enrich personality development among the participants. 


With renowned resource speaker Coach Sisoy Kintanar as their guide and esteemed guests, including the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Dir. Nenita R. Malbas and Dir. Hermarie T. Esmael, respectively, together with the members of the board and officers from respective committees, the TOT became a celebration of personal growth and collective empowerment. United in purpose, Tagum Cooperative Lecturers and Officers embarked on a heart-led journey, poised to bring positive transformation to their cooperative and beyond.

#tagumcoop #TOT #YouniqueLeader