[TC TESDA Culmination Program] Tagum Cooperative, through the Community and Development Department celebrated the TESDA graduation program for Organic Agriculture Production NCII held on October 31, 2024, Friday at the TC Function Hall.
The program featured a simple procession and the awarding of certificates to the beneficiaries. Additionally, Dir. Nenita R. Malbas, Chairperson of the Community and Development Committee and a Member of the Board of Directors, welcomed the graduates with an inspiring message, followed by the heartwarming speech full of encouragement and pride by the Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Juris D. Perez. The event was also filled with joy and laughter as the beneficiaries shared their own heartfelt stories of growth, gratitude and hope for the future.
#tagumcoop #TESDAscholars #FinancialAssistanceProgram