
Life, Accident & Health

Family Insurance

Fire Insurance


Group Insurance

Vehicle Insurance


All CAC Products

Importance of Insurance

None of us knows what lies around the corner, tragedies, accidents and death are unforeseen. Through insurance, you can provide protection to your family, reduce stress during difficult times, enjoy financial security, peace of mind and a legacy to leave behind.

Ensure your valued asset—You, your Family, and your Properties!

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Himsug Pamilya Program

What is Himsug Pamilya Program?

An inpatient medical care service provided to all Tagum Cooperative qualified members. If offers coverage with an aggregate benefit limit of up to P5,000. Medical Health Care Benefit of P3,000, for first pregnancy, in lieu of the hospitalization benefit. Up to 5 consultations per year to accredited doctors for principal holder and 1 consultation per year for the 2 dependents of the HPP member.

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What is Mortuary?

Mortuary is a life insurance offering provided by Tagum Cooperative to its qualified members, designed to support them and their families during the difficult time following a member’s death. By paying an affordable annual premium of P850.00, with P100,000 life insurance coverage with 1 year contestability period for pre-existing illness and self inflicted death and additional P100,000 insurance coverage for death due to accident

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Coop Family Plan

It is designed to give protection to the family of the members and non-members of cooperative/organization

Family AKSI

Protection for the entire family with max coverage of P100K regardless of the number of children

Fire Insurance Cash Assistance (FICA)

FICA is considered to be an over-the-counter insurance product, of which its basic objective is to offer members and prospective members any cash assistance

LYSA (Love Yourself Always)

A renewable term insurance designed for cooperative members under the Coop Assurance
Center of the cooperative

Keyman Protector

The plan offers full-time 24 hours, 365 day-a-year, worldwide protection against accident which an Insured Person may be exposed in the course of activities related to business or pleasure, whether on or off-the-job, occurring in the house or while traveling.

CLIMBS Health and Accident Insurance (CHAIN)

CLIMBS Health & Accident InsuranceAccidents and other life-threatening situations can strike anytime, anywhere…


Tagum Cooperative partnered with health service provider to ensure that members can access health services

Healthcare Providers

No matter what life throws your way, we are here to provide you protection because your protection matters to us
