TC Function Hall, Tagum City—Following the photography workshop last May, Tagum Cooperative hosted another workshop, particularly about graphics and design, on September 26, 2024, at the Tagum Cooperative Function Hall.

The training workshop is titled Beyond the Basics: Transforming Ideas and Concepts into Visual Impact, which encompassed the art of designing balance, color, and contrast as important aspects of well-advanced designs.
The renowned consultant communications strategist at the Provincial of Davao Oriental, Mr. Louie Bryan M. Lapat, resourced the training workshop. He explored and emphasized elements such as lines, shapes, negative space, volume, value, color, and texture to incorporate into the designs.
He even demonstrated how to spot a good design, whether it is balanced in terms of elements used and objects.
He then praised Tagum Cooperative for its strong brand presence across social media platforms and acknowledged the improvements in its newsletter publication following his speaking engagement last year on enhancing the newsletter’s quality.

Vice Chairperson of the Board Dir. Gertrudes L. Yap, who is also the Chairperson of the Education Committee, challenged the participants to apply their new learning to their respective functions as employees of Tagum Cooperative. Dir. Yap, who also delivered her opening remarks, urged the participants to improve their skills so they could contribute effectively to the
Among the highlights of the workshop are the Graphics Design Contest (Individual Round) and Group Workshop Activity. Mr. Christian Legaspi from the Information and Communication and Technology Department bagged the Best in Concept Award, and Ms. Jullie Ann Auxillo from the Office of the Cooperative Secretary won the Best in Creative Design Award.

Meanwhile, the group workshop activity benefited all the participants, according to Mr. Lapat, as the outputs were commendable. Participants were given the opportunity to criticize their groupmates’ outputs and provide input for improvement.
Overall, Group 5 dominated the workshop, where they were assigned to create a monochromatic poster for FuneCare. The said group is composed of Emmanuel P. Boja, Marybie Barabarbas, Bryle M. Iligan, and Rod Francis L. Tingson. Kenn M. Tayogandaga