In its continuous efforts to elevate the lives of its members, Tagum Cooperative (TC) has once again taken a significant step toward championing family well-being and gender equality. Celebrated for its commitment to the Gender and Development (GAD) agenda, Tagum Cooperative has established itself as a beacon for holistic member development in the Philippines. Last September, TC hosted the highly anticipated “World Café for Couples” on two occasions—September 13, 2024, at the TC Bajada Office in Davao City, and September 19, 2024, at the TC Main Building—both of which were transformative experiences for the attendees.

The event saw active participation from thirty four (34) TC members and their spouses, hailing from Bajada, Matina, Mintal, Main, and Market branches.

The World Café is a structured conversational process used to facilitate open and intimate discussions. Participants rotate between groups and engage in multiple rounds of conversation on a specific topic. These candid exchanges were sparked by questions posed by facilitators, who themselves were part of TC’s Officers and Management teams.

Couples from various backgrounds and life stages took part in open discussions about family relationships, health, spirituality, and financial well-being. The format encouraged vulnerability and genuine connection as participants exchanged personal struggles, triumphs, and the wisdom they’ve gained along the way. Whether it was navigating financial challenges, strengthening family bonds, or deepening spiritual lives, the discussions were filled with rich insights and shared understanding.

The “World Café for Couples” is part of TC’s broader GAD initiative, designed to support not only the financial well-being of its members but also their emotional, social, and spiritual health. Spearheaded by the GAD Committee and with the full backing of the TC Board of Directors, the program represents the cooperative’s commitment to nurturing the holistic development of its members.

At its core, the “World Café for Couples” aimed to open dialogue on real-life situations faced by couples, particularly around their economic and social challenges. Participants explored how gender roles play out in the home and the broader community shared effective practices for maintaining happy and healthy marriages, and learned valuable strategies for saving money and managing family finances.

The spiritual component of the discussions also allowed couples to reflect on their values, emphasizing the importance of passing down a legacy of strong principles and moral foundations to their children—ultimately influencing the larger community for the better.

As Tagum Cooperative continues to champion Gender and Development, initiatives like the “World Café for Couples” reflect the cooperative’s unwavering dedication to its members’ overall well-being. Through open conversation, mutual support, and a shared vision of equality and progress, TC not only strengthens marriages but also lays the groundwork for stronger, more resilient communities. Al Gee Omega C. Bula