In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, Tagum Cooperative (TC) passionately advocates for inclusive and equitable quality education, promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. A cornerstone of this advocacy is the steadfast financial support provided to academic scholars, specifically targeting underprivileged but deserving children of TC members. This initiative embodies one of TC’s core social goals: to uplift the community through education.

The TC Academic Scholarship Program aims to assist financially disadvantaged students in earning a college degree, thereby securing a brighter future for themselves and their families. By providing scholars with free tuition and covering miscellaneous expenses renewable every semester, the program supports youth employment while creating a culture of self-reliance, motivation, and confidence in their ability to face future challenges.

For the current year, the TC Academic Scholarship Program will welcome five (5) new scholars who will undergo a rigorous screening process, including assessment and background investigation. These new scholars will join seven others, completing the twelve (12) available slots for 2024.

The TC Board of Directors and Management are staunch supporters of this impactful program, which aims to produce graduates who will serve not only their families but also their communities. Recent policy amendments have made the program more gender-inclusive, enhancing both the selection and implementation processes—a significant development in the program’s evolution.

As an institution, Tagum Cooperative believes that even small, simple acts can significantly impact the future of the youth. By offering quality education that is both free and accessible, coupled with job opportunities post-graduation, the TC Academic Scholarship Program ensures that deserving students can meet the program’s requirements and achieve their full potential.

Through this initiative, Tagum Cooperative continues to contribute meaningfully to the development of the youth, providing them with the best opportunities to secure a prosperous future. Al Gee Omega C. Bula