Adhering to the mission of continuing education and a culture of service excellence, Tagum Cooperative administered a two-day learning workshop on newsletter publication and encompassed business writing for TC employees on October 24-25, 2022 at TC Function Hall, TC Main Building, Tagum City.

The two-day dynamic writing workshop covered topics on feature writing, lay-outing, letter writing, news writing, and photojournalism. The selection of participants was carefully identified through screening from each department who can produce quality outputs. In total, 20 qualified participants successfully passed the screening process. 

Objectively, the workshop aimed to capacitate the writing skills of the identified TC employees while gaining new perspectives and becoming better informed about the ever-changing news landscape and forms of effective writing as well as acquiring advanced knowledge in layout and photojournalism.  

Meanwhile, Campus Administrator of Davao Oriental State University-Baganga Mr. Jhonnel P. Villegas joined the workshop as the resource speaker, where participants enjoyed the learning process. The participants enjoyed the presentation and discussion for making it extra entertaining and interactive. 

In addition, Chairperson of the Board Dir. Janet T. Matuguinas participated in the event and shared her journalism experience while she was still at the academe to boost the morale of the participants. 

The Dynamic Writing Workshop is a physical activity conducted to equip the participants with skills and knowledge necessary to effectively inform and communicate with members and the community at large with needful information. It is intended to develop versatile employees to create meaningful and newsworthy events and, as a result, contribute to the internal communications of the Cooperative. The workshop benefited the participants with the information required to be effective writers. 

Truly enough, Tagum Cooperative capacitates employees with training programs, seminars, and workshops that would hone them to become more productive, build their skills and competencies, and advance their careers, in addition to development opportunities and a safe and harmonious working environment. 

Evidently, employees largely contributed to the success of Tagum Cooperative through dedication, hard work, and commitment. By providing them with the necessary resources to excel in their roles, Tagum Cooperative has created an environment where its employees can thrive and grow in their careers.